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Nowadays, a typical office with a lot of employees may find it hard to keep them energized while at work. It is a common occurrence among working areas that deal with high workloads and they are prone to experiencing burnout and being idle because of the prevalent work-from-home setup. If you are an office manager and you are in charge of keeping your team energized and motivated during office hours, you may benefit from this article. Here at Coffee Man Beverage Services, we will be sharing with you the different ways to keep your employees energized. If you think this article is for you, we encourage you to keep scrolling below to find out more information.


Here are some of the ways that you can help your team to stay energized during office hours.

  1. Motivate the employees to have a healthy work and life balance – A healthy work-life balance has a good effect on the workplace. So it is necessary to maintain a healthy work-life balance as it can help prevent burnout and decrease work-related stress.

A healthy work-life balance is important for your employees to stay energized. If not, it can cause job dissatisfaction and burnout which can eventually lead to a negative atmosphere in the workplace and even affect the productivity of the team.

You can provide them a flexible work schedule, provide rest days and time off, and if it can be avoided do not encourage overtime culture. This can give the team more time to rest and allow them to recharge giving them the energy they needed to work and finish their tasks on time.

  1. Prioritize health and wellness – A workplace wellness program can be initiated in the office. It can enhance your workers’ energy and productivity. It can be considered as a type of health benefit that will encourage the staff to work on their physical and mental health which can result in a healthy lifestyle and promote wellness and keep them energized.

Wellness programs can be done using different ideas that aim to reach a specific purpose that will lead to a healthier lifestyle, for example, you can create programs that will help the employees to stop smoking, stop drinking, or lose weight. Offices can provide gym memberships or incentive programs that can provide rewards for employees that will be participating, this way they will be encouraged to work on their health and wellness.

If the employees are physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy, they will become happier and energized which will reflect on the improvement of their work and personal life.

  1. Arrange team-building activities – Team-building activities must be promoted in the workplace as it allows the employees to improve their relationship with one another. This will show them that you care about them and you are willing to invest time and effort to make sure that they are happy, contented, and energized in the workplace.

You can organize a lunch out, game night, or enjoy a night out with a glass of wine or beer with the team. This will not only create strong bonds and friendship but will also energize them which will reflect on their productivity in the workplace.

  1. Empower the employees and provide opportunities – When an individual is empowered to create decisions without experiencing micromanagement they will be motivated and energized. This can be done by providing them with opportunities to create actions on their own and allowing them to make their own decisions. You can do this by allowing them to volunteer instead of assigning the tasks to your team members. This will allow them to work according to their abilities and talents. Strong teams are created by providing opportunities to your team members so they will be motivated and energized.
  2. Provide them with in-house beverages – Offering of different types of beverages in the office has become common lately and not just only water cooler is offered for employees to enjoy during their break time. Nowadays, coffee, tea, chocolate drinks, and other beverages are available for the consumption of their employees. Offering refreshments have become common in the workplace as it helps employees stay energized and motivated to do their job daily. Some offices offer heated water, vending machines, beverages, and brewed coffee.

  1. Provide them with healthy office snacks – Providing healthy snacks in the workplace is important because it becomes the fuel that the body uses and it affects the performance of an individual. It can affect how a person performs his job, move, feel, and even think. Drinking sugary drinks and eating junk food can cause a person to become sluggish. Aside from proper hydration and sleep, the food and drinks that we consume daily have a huge impact on our attention levels and motivation.

If you want to improve the productivity of your employees and help them stay energized, you must provide them access to healthy snacks. When a person is hungry he or she will be irritable and feel sluggish and even experience a hard time focusing on their jobs so you can help them fuel their energy by providing them healthy snacks.

To improve the workplace you can first consider providing healthy snacks to your employees. You can give them different food choices such as fresh fruits, salads, whole grain crackers, pastries, bread, etc. These healthy snacks will not only provide nourishment to your team but will be a great way to keep them energized throughout the day.

If you are wondering where to purchase healthy snacks for your office, you can rely on Coffee Man Beverage Services. We carry different snacks that will help your employees to be energized, have a clear mind, and be focused, allowing them to stay sharp throughout the day.


  1. Offer different types of coffee – A workplace can be productive if the employees have access to a coffee machine. It can help an individual relax and become energized throughout the day. If you have a long day at work, a hot cup of brewed coffee can energize you so you can start your day and work on your tasks with ease. You can improve your coffee through the following tips.


  • Purchase high-quality coffee beans only – The quality of the coffee beans that you purchase will affect the taste of the coffee. You must only use freshly roasted coffee beans so you can have a great tasting experience. The coffee beans must be kept in an airtight container to preserve their taste and flavor and to maintain their freshness for long periods. It will allow the gases it produces to be removed without letting air from going inside it.
  • Use a high-quality coffee machine or coffee maker – Nowadays, a lot of coffee machines make coffee preparation easy and fast. You will no longer need to brew a single pot at once and wait for it to finish. Thanks to the ever-improving technology, there are coffee machines that are now easy to use, you can just press a few buttons and wait for a minute or two to enjoy a steaming cup of coffee.
  • The employees can use the coffee machine and they can choose their preferred coffee flavor and preparation. A workplace with a coffee machine can be a great addition to make the employees enjoy their caffeine fix whenever they want one.

  • Add delicious flavors to your usual cup of coffee – Coffee is a versatile drink. You can upgrade your coffee experience by adding delicious flavors such as syrups or sprinkles. For example, you can add honey, chocolate, cinnamon, caramel, hazelnut, etc. If you have a favorite flavor, you can incorporate it with your coffee such as vanilla, orange or lemon zest, nutmeg, or pumpkin spice. Get a steaming cup of coffee and incorporate your favorite syrup to spice it up.
  • Drink your coffee from your favorite cup -If you have a favorite cup, you can use it to drink your coffee in the office. You can bring your favorite coffee cup with you to the office so you can have an enjoyable coffee experience whenever you take a sip from it. You can also design or customize your coffee mug; you can incorporate different colors or designs to it.
  • Recycle the coffee grounds – After using and enjoying your cup of coffee, don’t throw away the coffee grounds, you can use them as an insect repellant, organic fertilizer, facial scrub, etc. This can be a great way so you can do your part in saving the environment.


If your office needs coffee and tea equipment, beverages, and snacks, you can rely on Coffee Man Beverage Services. We are also offering office water filter equipment and kitchen supplies. If you are interested in availing of our services please request a quote through this link. If you have questions regarding our products and services please send us a message through the contact form. We can customize our services to fit your workplace needs.


Are you searching for a company that provides healthy snacks, beverages, and coffee? If you are located in Orange County, California, and its nearby cities such as Fountain Valley, Irvine, Newport Beach, and Santa Ana, Coffee Man Beverage Services is worth checking out. Our company is locally owned and we have been in the industry since 2000. If you are interested to hire us for our services please call us at 714-336-8636 or send an email at . We are also offering other products such as coffee break supplies, water filtration equipment, beverages, kitchen supplies, etc. If you want to order any product that we have please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us today! We would love to be a part of your office to make it a fun place for your employees.